St Judes Hall Bookings


St Judes Hall is available for hire by other approved organisations on application, subject to our terms and conditions.

You can check current availability with our secretary.

To make a booking please email our secretary, stating the dates and times you are requesting.

Prop, Staging & Costume Hire

We have a plethora of Stage & Theatrical props, scenery, staging and costumes for hire (as you might expect for a Society that’s been around for over a century).

We’re currently in the process of documenting all these into a clear document/database so it’s easy to navigate and locate what you’re looking for. Suffice to say there’s something for virtually any production, of any period, so if you’re on the lookout, then give us a shout. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.

In the mean time, if you’re looking for anything specific by way of theatrical properties, scenery, staging or costumes, then drop us an email as above and we’ll get back to you.

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